Details for account no: 87214 | |
Name: | Maxfiq (Click to send message) |
Photo album: | Click here |
Gender: | Male |
Date of Birth: | December 18, 1987 -> 37 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | , Singapore, Singapore |
Primary Language: | English |
Other Languages: | Very little French and i mean VERY little |
Religion: | I believe in God |
Education: | First year in art college |
Profession: | I breathe for a living.. LoL! |
Hobbies | Water-polo, stargazing, volleyball, watching dvds, go-kart, artsy-fartsy stuff |
Would like to be friends with: | Both Male & Female |
Prefer to get mail by: | Both email & regular mail |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | I like to do things. Be it at the spur of moment or not. Sometimes i get a lot done in one day and it makes me feel pretty proud. Other times, not so much. Like, i'll just step out of bed and start doing nothing. I dunno. Looking at my room and wondering what it's like to do certain things. So, i guess, i'm either doing things or fantasizing about doing things. I'm pretty productive that way. |
Social likes of profile: | |
Member since: | September 01, 2004 12:43 |
Last active: | May 28, 2015 05:31 |