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Details for account no: 26980
Name: Matthias Frohnhöfer (Click to send message)
Photo album: Click here
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 17, 1966 -> 58 years
Homepage: (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window)
Location: Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Primary Language: German
Other Languages: English
Religion: Catholic
Education: ( Empty... )
Profession: Owner of a small company
Hobbies travelling, reading, football, foreign cultures, taking Fotos, nature
Would like to be friends with: Both Male & Female from 18 to 99 years
Prefer to get mail by: Both email & regular mail
Postal Addres: - The postal address is only visible for members -
Something to say: Hello everybody. My name ist Matthias from Kaiserslautern/Germany.I am happy to meet new people and to learn something about you and your life and also about your country, your culture and your everyday life. It would be nice if we could talk about a lot of things and maybe even become good friends over time and talk about confidential things. I am honest, very open and sensitive. I'm very excited to meet you and look forward to your mail
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Member since: August 14, 2001 01:16
Last active: November 10, 2021 22:06
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