Details for account no: 236208 | |
Name: | Donna Blum (Click to send message) |
Gender: | Female |
Date of Birth: | April 27, 1945 -> 79 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | Williamsville, New York, United States |
Primary Language: | English |
Other Languages: | |
Religion: | Christian |
Education: | some college |
Profession: | ( Empty... ) |
Hobbies | computers, pets, word anagrams, movies, shopping, dining out, coffee clatches, theater, plays, picnics, art galleries, baking, swimming, watching "some" sports, |
Would like to be friends with: | Both Male & Female from 65 to 75 years |
Prefer to get mail by: | Both email & regular mail |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | I am a "STRAIGHT" white female, 70 yrs. old with silver hair and brown eyes and stand 5 ft. 2 & 1/2. I especially love cats but can not have any pets where I live. Have 3 children. Have been divorced a great number of years. Looking to correspond with someone with simular interests. Do you have any children? If so how many and what are their ages? |
Social likes of profile: | |
Member since: | October 05, 2015 04:00 |
Last active: | March 11, 2017 19:02 |