Details for account no: 236059 | |
Name: | Annie (Click to send message) |
Gender: | Female |
Date of Birth: | May 19, 1983 -> 41 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | , , United Kingdom |
Primary Language: | English |
Other Languages: | |
Religion: | Atheist |
Education: | BA |
Profession: | Higher Education |
Hobbies | ancient greece and other ancient societies, Pilates, singing, cryptic crosswords, nature, hiking, mindfulness and breathwork, travelling, museums, ethical/ environmental living, chocolate, reading, swimming, running, writing, poetry |
Would like to be friends with: | Female from 35 to 50 years |
Prefer to get mail by: | Regular mail only |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | I have been penpalling for many years and I would be happy to find one or two new pals from Europe. I am only interested in long letter snail mail pals and in English only as my other languages are not good enough. I am interested in learning about your culture, life, relationships, work, anything and everything but I prefer long deep letters and to form a real bond with someone and maybe even meet one day. I am happily married with a child and am veggie/vegan and an atheist and humanist. If that sounds like someone you want to write to, drop me a message. No romance or requests for money please. |
Social likes of profile: | |
Member since: | September 12, 2015 19:41 |
Last active: | December 06, 2024 22:29 |