Details for account no: 235700 | |
Name: | Cassidy D. (Click to send message) |
Gender: | Female |
Date of Birth: | January 21, 1998 -> 27 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | , Kentucky, United States |
Primary Language: | English |
Other Languages: | Un poco español |
Religion: | Christian |
Education: | Highschool (plan for PhD) |
Profession: | Student/babysitter |
Hobbies | Art, science (biology), activism, animal care, video games, many more aha |
Would like to be friends with: | Both Male & Female from 14 to 23 years |
Prefer to get mail by: | Regular mail only |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | Good day everyone! :) My name is Cassidy. I am a 17 year old girl looking for some snail mail penpals, some people from around the globe to trade postcards with, or just simply some new friends haha. Recently I have been very interested in exchanging old fashion letters and such. It's so interesting and more desirable than instant messaging, to me at least. I am open to talking to anyone as long as they are between the ages of 14 and 23. Other than that, I am completely open to anyone, so don't be shy :) I look forward to learning about different cultures, maybe learning some new languages, teaching what I can, and making many friends along the way :) thanks for reading! If you are interested, please feel free to contact me anytime at my email listed below. Caseyrose47@ Hope to hear from you soon! Take care ^^ |
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Member since: | July 23, 2015 02:08 |
Last active: | July 23, 2015 02:08 |