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Details for account no: 235628
Name: Mauricio Escares (Click to send message)
Photo album: Click here
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 01, 1982 -> 42 years
Homepage: (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window)
Location: Santiago, , Chile
Primary Language: Spanish
Other Languages: English
Religion: Cristiana
Education: Professional
Profession: ( Empty... )
Hobbies Arts (in general),Dance, Music, Languages, Travels
Would like to be friends with: Female
Prefer to get mail by: Email only
Postal Addres: - The postal address is only visible for members -
Something to say: Hi to all :)
i invite to talk for practice languages, We can talk for all themes in general, and in special maybe: arts (in general), dances, sports, music, games, travels, ...
I'm generally friendly and try to be good to everyone, then feel free to send message. I like the friendly people.
The languages that i like (in order): Spanish, French, English, Russian, Italian.
My common activities can be: Speak in foreign languages, study the nature, Social activities, play karaoke/sing, dance (many dances, for example salsa), arts (music, paint, draw, dance, poetry, ...), compose song for piano (also for others instrument using VST), play instrument (Commonly Concert Piano Vst), ...
I am teacher sometimes in Electric themes/courses,
i was teacher of Salsa (On1 in line, level basic) and Tango (Argentinian, level basic)
I consider interesting, parts of many cultures in the world, this is one of the reasons why I learn interesting cultural topics.
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Member since: July 13, 2015 02:05
Last active: August 31, 2015 23:47
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