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Details for account no: 234694
Name: Kathy (Click to send message)
Photo album: Click here
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: November 14, 1982 -> 41 years
Homepage: (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window)
Location: Duisburg, , Germany
Primary Language: English
Other Languages: German
Religion: ( Empty... )
Education: ( Empty... )
Profession: ( Empty... )
Hobbies Reading, Writing, Travelling, Music, TV shows, Tattoos
Would like to be friends with: Both Male & Female from 18 to 70 years
Prefer to get mail by: Regular mail only
Postal Addres: - The postal address is only visible for members -
Something to say: Hi, I'm Kathy and I live in Germany.

I'm single and I share my apartment with my two cats. I love to read and write and I have a passion for bingewatching TV shows (favorites include Grimm, Modern Family, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead...). Music is my boyfriend and sadly, there's never enough live shows for me to go to. I'm slightly addicted to getting more and more tattoos and I also like seeing them on others. There's some amazing body art out there! I'm also quite the foody but not very good at cooking.

I'm only looking for snail mail pals, though I'd like a quick e-mail exchange before I hand over my address. There's no real age limit, I just set it to 18-70 because I had to fill in something but if you're younger or older and we get along, that's fine by me. Some shared interests would be great but I also like to hear about what others like to do and are passionate about. I usually like to write in a conversational style, i.e. just rambling on and on about my day or what's on my mind and I really enjoy doing so with pals who like to do the same. Gender and location don't matter. You can write to me in English or German. Please tell me a little about yourself in your message.

What I'm NOT looking for is romance or scammers. Please don't send me friendship books, either. And I'm not interested in swapping postcards, stamps or other things.
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Member since: March 04, 2015 17:13
Last active: July 01, 2016 15:22
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