Details for account no: 230640 | |
Name: | yoko sato (Click to send message) |
Gender: | Female |
Date of Birth: | January 20, 1985 -> 40 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | , , Japan |
Primary Language: | japanese |
Other Languages: | |
Religion: | ( Empty... ) |
Education: | ( Empty... ) |
Profession: | ( Empty... ) |
Hobbies | hiking, Karaoke |
Would like to be friends with: | Both Male & Female from 28 to 35 years |
Prefer to get mail by: | Both email & regular mail |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | Hi!I'm Yoko.I lived in California for 2 years and I came back to Japan this August.I love California because there're a lot of international restaurant. I tried Thai food, Korean food, Vietnanese food, Italian food, Mediterranean food, and persian food!the weather was nice too. I love my hometown, but I miss California...Anyway I've started to work as a counselor for people who want to go study abroad. I'd like to improve my English as for work and don't want to forget about it. I'd like to talk to you, see you soon:) |
Social likes of profile: | |
Member since: | December 17, 2013 02:46 |
Last active: | July 08, 2016 14:26 |