Details for account no: 229863 | |
Name: | Viviana (Click to send message) |
Photo album: | Click here |
Gender: | Female |
Date of Birth: | December 23, 1992 -> 32 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | Alessandria, Piedmont, Italy |
Primary Language: | Italian |
Other Languages: | English |
Religion: | Atheist |
Education: | Finished High School, thinking about the possibility to go to University of Graphics or Languages. |
Profession: | At the moment I'm a babysitter. |
Hobbies | Fooling around Photoshop, Sleeping 'til noon, Reading some good books or fanfiction, Sometimes I invent some stories but never published -maybe one day-, Collect DVDs/BluRay of my fav movies/actor/actress, Take a walk when it's snowing and . . a lots more. |
Would like to be friends with: | Both Male & Female from 18 to 23 years |
Prefer to get mail by: | Both email & regular mail |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | Hi there; I'm Viviana, 20years - almost 21 - italian. I'm an ordinary girl who likes the winter, sleeping under warm blankets and watching ( or reading ) some good movies. I live in a small grey city in the North of Italy and I'd like very much go out from it for a while 'cause I like travel but I haven't seen anything even that some little town near the sea. I'm happily enganged - sorry guys :/ - and we're be together from almost one year; before we were best friend for 5 years. I like meet new people even that I'm a bit shy but it's only for the first minutes, then I can be nice and sometimes funny - i think -. I love having fun with friends but also stay at home with an hot chocolate and a good movie as well. I could surely define myself quite a nerd - not completely but a little bit -. I really love going to the cinema, watching new movies, finding out new actors or actresses, new kind of movie etc.. or playing with my playstation or stay at home and doing nothing lol Some poeple - my parents for example - say that I'm strange, weird sometimes they said, only because I like do different things than their children - my cousins - but I move on, I don't listen them and i go on my way. Fortunately my boyfriend is like me in a sense, He understands me; i can definetely consider him my soulmate. Talking about my free time, well, when I stay at home - everyday? - I like fooling around with photoshop and my pen tablet; create images, edit pics and stuff like that. Now, it's 6 years that I'm on PS and it become a drug for me in a strange way. I love animals and nature. Sometimes, when it's cold, i like take a walk and think; take some notes with my little book or take pictures. I'm here because, well, even if i can't travel for the moment i'd like meet new people thought this and I'd like to have a penpal friend to improve my english and why I like receive letters as they did years ago, when there wasn't computers, messages, iphones etc.. A female friend is better - for obviusly reasons - but a male friend only for email talk is accept. Well, I don't know what to say more lol so, see you at inbox! ♥ |
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Member since: | September 28, 2013 11:50 |
Last active: | January 30, 2014 23:02 |