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Details for account no: 229298
Name: alex narducci (Click to send message)
Photo album: Click here
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: July 11, 1996 -> 28 years
Homepage: (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window)
Location: virginia beach, virginia, United States
Primary Language: english
Other Languages: german, korean
Religion: none
Education: high school
Profession: ( Empty... )
Hobbies readig, EPL football, writing, school
Would like to be friends with: Both Male & Female
Prefer to get mail by: Both email & regular mail
Postal Addres: - The postal address is only visible for members -
Something to say: hello! i'm a senior in high school looking for someone to broaden my horizons internationally.
i rarely dislike anything and i'm very open minded. my native tongue is english, but i do speak german and some korean. due to a busy schedule, i prefer to write through postal mail so can write back faster!
i'd be so happy to talk to anyone, within the states or across the waters.
have a nice day!

*please do not contact me with spam. i will not respond.
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Member since: August 03, 2013 21:05
Last active: June 23, 2014 21:31
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