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Details for account no: 228907
Name: Caitlyn (Click to send message)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: July 15, 1996 -> 28 years
Homepage: (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window)
Location: , , Australia
Primary Language: English
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Religion: ( Empty... )
Education: College (year 12) student
Profession: ( Empty... )
Hobbies Netball, water skiing, wakeboarding, reading, listening to music, watching TV shows and movies (especially about superheroes)
Would like to be friends with: Both Male & Female from 14 to 25 years
Prefer to get mail by: Email only
Postal Addres: - The postal address is only visible for members -
Something to say: Quotes are my obsession. Writing is my passion. Reading is my safe haven. Music is my escape and sanctuary. M&Ms, chocolate ice cream and nutella are my weaknesses. Blue, green, purple and red are my colors. Sarcasm is my language. Netball is my sport. I believe that everything (including mistakes) happens for a reason. Polar bears and dolphins are my animals. Someone out there is my soul mate and I have all the time in the world to find him. Family and friends are my life and although they can get annoying, I still love them. My puppies Scooby and Nala are my babies. Taylor Swift, Emma Watson and Jennifer Lawrence are my idols. Agents Of SHIELD and Arrow are my shows. Merlin and King Arthur are my rulers. And I have control of my world. ♥
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Member since: June 27, 2013 06:34
Last active: July 23, 2014 02:05
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