Details for account no: 225302 | |
Name: | Eva (Click to send message) |
Gender: | Female |
Date of Birth: | April 30, 1999 -> 25 years |
Homepage: | (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window) |
Location: | N/A, Vermont , United States |
Primary Language: | English |
Other Languages: | Limited (as in very) French |
Religion: | Not really any. |
Education: | I'm in middle school |
Profession: | - |
Hobbies | Snowboarding, acting, singing, saxophone, competitive swimming, reading |
Would like to be friends with: | Both Male & Female from 13 to 13 years |
Prefer to get mail by: | Email only |
Postal Addres: | - The postal address is only visible for members - |
Something to say: | Hey guys! I'm Eva which you already know if you've read my ad or whatever it is but yeah. It's nice to cyberly meet you. I'm fine with talking about really anything. I also like to use email if all possible, but for postal you'll need to email me first. |
Social likes of profile: | |
Member since: | August 18, 2012 19:15 |
Last active: | January 13, 2014 13:26 |