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Details for account no: 102341
Name: Jens (Click to send message)
Photo album: Click here
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 01, 1968 -> 56 years
Homepage: (note: Page will open in another window.To return, close the window)
Location: Hannover, , Germany
Primary Language: German
Other Languages: English
Religion: christian
Education: Higher
Profession: electronic engineer / automotive technician / technical writer
Hobbies Automotive (cars), martial arts, dancing, cinema, outdoors, hiking, and other.....
Would like to be friends with: Both Male & Female from 25 to 40 years
Prefer to get mail by: Both email & regular mail
Postal Addres: - The postal address is only visible for members -
Something to say: Hello,
I am open for each nice mail from Australia, USA,England or any other states (but NO Africa, or similar!!!). I `m looking for nice new contacts. I would like to practice the English language, and, by the way,...build new friendships. My interests are cars, dancing, nature, martial-arts, hiking, skiing,... and I´m interested however also at new things. I am interested in good friendships to men, women, pairs in order to write interesting things,...exchange snail mail..and perhaps visiting later on,..
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Member since: February 23, 2005 10:17
Last active: May 08, 2014 14:40
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